Un giallo
classico ben costruito, con un pizzico d'azione, dialoghi divertenti
e tutto il fascino del vecchio West. I protagonisti, due cowboy sui
generis, uno estimatore di Sherlock Holmes, ma analfabeta, che parla
poco e riflette molto, l'altro, grande grosso e ciarliero, che ha il
compito di raccontare la storia e l'evolversi delle indagini, fra
praterie e riserve indiane, vacche e cadaveri in latrine chiuse dall'interno, fino alla soluzione finale. Decisamente consigliato agli amanti del genere, ma adatto veramente a
A well built detective story with a pinch of action,
entertaining dialogues and all the charm of the wild west.
The protagonists, two odd cowboys, one an illitterate
Sherlock Holmes fan, who speaks few and reflectsa lot, the other, great big and cheerful, who has the task
of telling the story, between meadows and Indian reserves, cows and corpses in latrine closed from the inside, until the final unravelling. Definitely recommended for Whodunit lovers, but suitable for everyone!
A well built detective story with a pinch of action,
entertaining dialogues and all the charm of the wild west.
The protagonists, two odd cowboys, one an illitterate
Sherlock Holmes fan, who speaks few and reflectsa lot, the other, great big and cheerful, who has the task
of telling the story, between meadows and Indian reserves, cows and corpses in latrine closed from the inside, until the final unravelling. Definitely recommended for Whodunit lovers, but suitable for everyone!
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