Nonostante il potere (che corrompe), la fama (che
consuma), i soldi (tanti), l’affermazione professionale (raggiunta
ad ogni costo), ciò che muove i personaggi di questo romanzo, che li
fa allontanare o riavvicinarsi inaspettatamente, sono le passioni:
l'odio, l'ammirazione, il sesso e, fondamentalmente, l’amore,
malato, contorto, mai semplice (tranne quello di Purity, la
protagonista). Passioni contraddittorie verso mogli, madri, padri,
amanti e figli vissute da personaggi complessi, estremi,
splendidamente caratterizzati. Un’apnea nella loro psiche e negli
intrecci delle loro storie personali, fino alla chiusura finale, in
cui ogni tessera del puzzle riprende il proprio posto.
Despite the power (corrupting), fame (consuming), money (a lot), success (at all costs), passions move the characters of this novel, and make them unexpectedly get away or get closer: hate, admiration, sex and, basically sick, twisted, never simple love (except for Purity, the protagonist). Controversial passions towards wives, mothers, fathers, lovers and children lived by complex, extreme, wonderful characterized characters. An apnea in their psyche and their intertwined personal stories, until the final closure, in which each jigsaw puzzle takes its place.
Despite the power (corrupting), fame (consuming), money (a lot), success (at all costs), passions move the characters of this novel, and make them unexpectedly get away or get closer: hate, admiration, sex and, basically sick, twisted, never simple love (except for Purity, the protagonist). Controversial passions towards wives, mothers, fathers, lovers and children lived by complex, extreme, wonderful characterized characters. An apnea in their psyche and their intertwined personal stories, until the final closure, in which each jigsaw puzzle takes its place.
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